Thank you for your interest in purchasing at Vheus.
Shipping times and costs depend on the destination country. A notification will be sent once your order is shipped. If shipping is not possible within the maximum amount of days stated, you will be notified by e-mail. For more information about costs and delivery time visit: Shipping.
In case you are dissatisfied or change your mind about an item, it can be returned within 2 weeks after the date of delivery, provided they are in the same condition as when they arrived. Costs of returning a product are always to be paid by the sender. A refund will be given within 2 weeks after arrival and checking the state of the item. Returns need to contain the order number in the package to be able to process a refund. The address for returns is:
Vheus Returns
Gildenring 2
3981JE, Bunnik
The Netherlands
Delivery issues
In case any issues happen with the delivery of an item, please seek direct contact by sending an e-mail to If applicable, it helps to provide pictures of the problem to understand.
The current payment options are: Credit Card, PayPal, iDEAL, Bancontact and Direct Bank Transfer. Payments via Credit Card, Bancontact and iDEAL are securely carried out by Mollie Payments. Orders will only be processed after receiving payment. When paying using Direct Bank Transfer, please use the order number as reference code. All prices contain 21% VAT (Dutch sales tax).
Vheus is a registered tradename at the Dutch Kamer van Koophandel (KVK), 63994291. It is registered at Gildenring 2, 3981JE, Bunnik, The Netherlands (not a visiting address)